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Trip 37 - Pt 2 - Malvern

Thursday 11th August (Day 8)

We woke up to no gas! No problem as we have a spare but it took over half an hour to get it going. No idea why it would not work (nor how it started working); it did though, so a tea and shower were back on the agenda. By just before 10.00am we set of for Malvern, via Evesham where we identified we could refill our gas. After the gas refill it was a Tesco shop; then the 50 minute journey to Malvern and the Three Counties Show Ground. The locals must hate this time of the year as hundreds of motorhomes were converging on the place; well thousands. Despite this the entry and directing to where we were to be was very efficient. Lunch was then the order of the day and then sitting and chatting to some who had been at Stow on the Wold and Shabbington and some who had not. Our circle of chairs just grew and grew. By about 5.00pm the wind had picked up and many went to bring their awnings in, which we agreed with. Then steak for tea before we sat and watched the Olympics before sleep.

Friday 12th August (Day 9)

Well, after breakfast we made our way up the the show and spent the morning walking around looking and buying things we really didn't realise we needed! Back for lunch at the motorhome and then a second, shorter stroll, around the stalls. We were back again at 3.00pm as at 4.00pm we were hosting a cheese and wine. For the whole group (80 people); with Resa and Eric. At 4.00pm people started to arrive and the 'ring of chairs' slowly expanded. Lots of people brought some food and drink also so there was more than enough. Around 7.00 - 8.00pm some of the group left and made their way up to the evening entertainment on site. This left a hardcore of about 20 - 25. As the day cooled we all migrated to the gazebo as it was warmer and chatted, drank and sang until quite late. A really good social event with only, perhaps, half a dozen of MotorhomeFacts members not attending.

Saturday 13th August (Day 10)

A slow start (at least for some) with an overcast sky but the hint of a good day, which actually did materialise. 11.00am saw on a bus for Malvern (£2 each return). Malvern is a quaint town renowned for Elgar as a resident and C S Lewis as well. Indeed outside the church is a gas lit lamp post that, it is alleged, was the inspiration for where the three children met Mr Tumnus the fawn after they emerged from the wardrobe (it certainly looked the part). We then visited every shoe shop, clothes shop and charity shop, including one that we always refer to as 'Grace Brothers'. We also visited all the other shops to ensure that they did not sell shoes, clothes or charity stuff. Lunch time saw us on the veranda at the Wetherspoons pub (The Foley Arms) for lunch and a quick beer - or two. An idyllic location looking over the valley for miles, made even better with the hot sunshine. Just after 3.00pm and we were back on the coach to the site where we sat around in the sun until soon after 6.00pm when we cooked tea. We went to the 'cow sheds' to experience the Country & Western evening.


Sunday 14th August (Day 11)

Well the last day of us as a group. After breakfast we had a stroll around the stalls, more to the point the motorhomes for sale. The result was, most refreshingly, that under £100,000 we found nothing we would replace our motorhome for and those over £100,000 were too big. Nice as this is it does present a problem should we wish to get a different MH. We have been 'suffering' cups of tea that had an usual taste and residue in the cups. We have cleaned the fresh water tank twice, and bought a new filter but still it persisted. A new kettle seems to have resolved it - a cheaper option than the previous efforts. During the afternoon a gathering took place of 30+ people which included scones, jam, clotted cream, and fresh strawberries. We then joined another circle which had been growing all afternoon. A mass BBQ was then suggested as everyone was hungry. We managed to stay out untill by 10.00pm the chill air sent us all in. A great 11 days.

Monday 15th August (Day 12)

The last day of the break for most. All slowly got sorted and then it was time for the 'goodbye' ritual (which always takes a while) and slowly people went their own way. We were off to a pub near Monmouth - about an hour and a bit journey. We stopped on the way at a Lidl for milk and bread, but caused some carnage as the car park was not big enough. By just after midday we were parked up at the pub, The Lion Inn, at Trellach. A pub since 1580. Within half an hour Huw and Peggy joined us as they had hired a self catering cottage from the pub. The cottage was a converted Elizabethan pig sty! We provided lunch and so sat outside in the pigpen having the lunch. The day was glorious and hot and we decided on a walk around the countryside. In all about five miles was walked. Partway we stopped at the 'The Virtuous Well' where pilgrims stopped to be cured where three springs met which, allegedly, confers great benefits to them due to the high iron content. Even today, in a niche by the well, money offerings are made and were present. At the end of the walk we visited the Church, St Nicholas, opposite the pub. It has, allegedly, the oldest stone preaching cross and alter in Wales (in the graveyard) around the 5th century. Also a commemorative plate was inside to a lady who died at the age of 28 but was the church organist for 16 years! Soon it was time for a meal. I am always wary of a pub, small in size, that has a large expansive menu as often they overstretch themselves and nothing is well cooked / served / tasty. How wrong I can be! The food was absolutely to die for with the pigeon being the star dish. Being the third Monday of the month it was 'Open Mike' in the pub so we beat a hasty retreat to continue drinking in the pig sty while watching the olympics.

Tuesday 16th August (Day 13)

Another sunny bright day. I started by cooking a 'big boys' breakfast for Huw, Peggy, Chris and me. Then we sat and chatted until just after 10.30am we said our goodbyes. We then had a pleasant easy drive home, albeit boring as it was mainly along the M4 and M25. Four hours and we were home and unpacking before returning Billina to the storage site.

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