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Trip 36 - Dover Weekend

Friday 22nd July (Day 1)

A slow start as we could not get onto the site until noon. We left about 11.00am for a 90 minute journey to Hawthorn Farm, Martins Mill, Dover. Unfortunately, a lorry had caught fire on the M2 and the trip took an hour longer which involved the route being via Herne Bay. So by 2.00pm we were setup and eating lunch. Much greeting and chat followed and it would appear that over 30 people would be here by this evening. Some 'interlopers' also arrived and almost 40 were in the field by 8.30pm. The field was alive with children playing happily and a generally a good 'buzz' was prevalent. The weather was hot during the day but not too hot but at 10.30pm still good for short sleeves with a good weekend forecast.

Saturday 23rd July (Day 2)

After a good nights sleep we awoke to another glorious day of sunshine. There was still traffic problems around Dover with 6 plus hours delays for the ferries and traffic queues everywhere. After breakfast we 'chilled' for a while before walking up to Martin Mill railway station and catching the train into Deal (£3.70 return each). We then strolled along the promenade and back along the main shopping street, stopping for a beer - of course. By 3.00pm we were on the train back to the site - in still baking hot weather. We then lounged around and played Kubb before firing up the BBQ and cooking the evening meal. Around 8.00pm we all started to gather around the fire (33 of us). There then followed some cub campfire songs, folk songs and general mayhem around the mobile fire pit until, around midnight, bed beckoned.

Sunday 24th July (Day 3)

How nice it is to have another day with no threat of rain, wind or other unfavourable weather. A nice sunny start and, like the previous days, a cool start but with the promise of another belter. We started our day with a cup of tea watching the world go by and some of the others packing up to go home. It would appear that the traffic problems around Dover still persist but, once past the 'Dover roundabout', those leaving us should be travelling against the queues. We had a late breakfast / shower etc which was followed by some goodbyes as three units left. Then what followed might appear to be quite mundane, but wasn't, just sitting around in groups chatting about 'this and that' while the children played together. The children have been exceptional this weekend with no quarrels or arguments. After a light lunch it was time to, well sit and sunbathe. Then we set things up for (some) of the big people and all of the children to have a water fight, part of the ammunition was 100 water balloons to augment the water pistols and plastic bottles. much enjoyment and soaking followed. After a short rest we set up the game of Kubb (pronounced koob); a Scandinavian game we saw being played many years ago. This 'game' originally was used to sort out disputes, ie if there was a dispute between two villages instead of fighting the two village champions would play this game. The winner's village won the dispute and the only casualty was the losing champion who was killed! No-one was killed today! At about 5.30pm those on site left to meet those who went out for the day in Deal for fish and chips on the beach. We were fortunate to get a lift from Dave and Lesley, There was quite a queue at the chippy but then everything was cooked fresh and was absolutely smashing. It was then all back to the site to sit around the fire chatting and reminiscing, until just before midnight. (Still a few issues in Dover for traffic!)

Monday 25th July (Day 4)

Gosh another day with blue skies; something that I could quite get used to. After breakfast it was time to pack and ready ourselves to move on. By about 11.00am it was goodbyes to those still there and off for a 50 miles journey to a vineyard near Hastings. We opted to take the 'Tourist Route' which followed the south coast; Sandgate; Dymchurch; Romsey; Hythe and then a stop at Rye. A delightful little place full of cobble stone roads, antique and curio shops, charity shops and a church with a huge pendulum hanging down into the crossing which is where the transepts, nave and chancel meet (the middle of a cross). We made our way back to the motorhome and had lunch before moving on once more towards a village called Westfield and the Carr Taylor Vineyard where we parked up with two others (Dutch). After a a cup of tea we attempted to walk a pathway to Battle. However, it was slower going that we anticipated and about two fifths of the way after an hours walk we turned back. It was still enjoyable with a host of butterflies and damselflies flitting here and there. Had we left earlier it would have a good walk. Upon our arrival back at Billina we sat in the sun with a well earned beer. Slightly different from previous evenings it actually cooled down quite quickly and by 6.00pm we went inside. A hearty meal followed by a few drinks and a game or two, before 11.00pm saw us retiring with a loose plan for tomorrow.

Tuesday 26th July (Day 5)

The 'loose plan' changed this morning. By 10.00am we had left for a CS site Just south of Heathfield. It was attached to a pub - the Runt in Tun. We got there before the publican agreed there was room for us - but there was. Having parked up we went for a cycle along the Cuckoo Trail (an old railway line) which was next to the pub and ran for over 14 miles. It was a cooler day than the previous ones but still pleasant enough. Eight miles saw us in Hailsham where we had lunch and coffee. We then returned back and sat outside the motorhome for a while, as 16 miles was a good enough 'start up' for us this year. After a brief rest we were off walking across fields towards Heathfield. Here we bought a few things and by just after 5.00pm we were back at the site - four to five miles of walking completed. We then sat out in the sun as it slowly set with a local beer each until, later we had a lamb stir fry followed by a bit of TV and then bed.

Wednesday 27th July (Day 6)

Summer is over? From 5.00am we had shower after shower and, while not cold, the skies were grey. Never mind today we planned to return home. After a great breakfast we got sorted and just before 10.00am we were off home. A ninety minute journey that took, well ninety minutes, despite heavy traffic around Tunbridge Wells. It was then a quick empty and clean, in preparation of the next trip (in seven days) before driving and parking Billina at the storage site

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