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Trip 33 - Switzerland - Days 7 to 14

Tuesday 14th June (Day 7)

A damp night but dry start. This was the day that both sets of grandparents were to be trusted with the care of Chloé. First of all Chris and I went with Ash to his workplace, collecting his colleague, Andy, on the way. I then drove the car on to the apartment as there were some black marks on the walls we wanted to try and remove with a white sponge thing. It worked really well. It was then back to the house, by which time Hayley had left for work. Ron and Shirley were looking after Chloé, as she wouldn’t settle. Eventually, Shirley and Chris took her for a push around town to get her to to sleep. Shirley returned a while later as Ron and Shirley were flying home today and needed to catch a train. I drove them into Nyon to catch it to the airport. So now there were three! After lunch, again she wouldn’t settle so Chris went off again while I cleaned the car belonging to Andy so it could be returned to him. Hayley came home just after 3.00pm and later I collected Ash from work and we had a late BBQ (eating inside as it was cool by 8.00pm). A sit, chat and a bit of Euro 2016 Footy then bed.

Weather: Unsettled, showers; 21 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Wednesday 15th June (Day 8)

A day of ‘rest’; well that what was planned initially. Hayley does not work Wednesdays so just the four of us. We strolled into Prangins and bought some croissants - lovely but quite small. Hayley then went off, leaving Chloé in our charge, as they had to hand the apartment over to the manager with an inspection / inventory of the property to ensure all was ok. It was scheduled for 10.30am - oops wrong it will be at 3.00pm. However, this visit identified a few things needing doing so off we went, Chris and I, to rectify things. We then went into Nyon and shopped for tea (Cote de boeuf). Next was some lunch, a nice panini and coffee. We then strolled along Lake Leman (it is not Lake Geneva) back up the hill to the house, about a thirty minute walk. By now Hayley had returned to the apartment for the handover / inspection so we did a few jobs in the house. Tidying, hoovering, grass cutting and fixing the big wooden gate. Hayley then collected us from the house and we went to Nyon to feed the ducks before returning to feed Chloé and wait for Ash to come home. Ash then cooked dinner and we sat around the table and chatted until bedtime.

Weather: Sunny and 21 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Thursday 16th June (Day 9)

Boy did it rain during the night - It started just after midnight and just did not stop. Looking at the map of Europe we are not alone with this weather, although parts of east and southern Spain; Hungary, southern Greece and Italy seem to be faring better. Anyway it was a day of Chloé time with Chris getting as much ‘hands on’ as possible. The afternoon was taken up with ……… footy. England against Wales. Both teams needed a win, but England even more so. England losing 1-0 in first half (goalie error). 1-1 with 92 minutes to play and then ‘ENG-E-LAND’ 1-2 win. Ash came home a bit later and we had a curry - butter chicken, vegetable jalfrezi and all the trimmings. We all turned in quite early as all were tired.

Weather: Changeable; 15 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Friday 17th June (Day 10)

The Rain in Spain falls mainly on US! God did it rain (well I suppose He knows). Wind? Bloody yes. Our discussion last night was whether to leave today or tomorrow. We opted for tomorrow which would be the case anyway as at 7.15am a text arrived from our son informing us of child minding duties as the nannie was sick. ‘Hooray’ was Chris’ view. (Mildly sorry you are unwell, dear childminder?) This meant that from 7.45am until 4.00pm we were the child minders. Several thoughts / observations;

  1. Lovely to do:

  2. Knackering;

  3. Nice not to have son / daughter overlooking - even with their understandable concern;

  4. Knackering.

We walked miles - sorry kilometres - a thousand at least - plus swings and slides!

Did I mention it was knackering? Having said that a bloody good day.

The weather was a real mélange not being able to decide what to do but a few miles south, and the other side of Lake Leman, there was eight inches of snow - unheard of in June.

A great spag bol with garlic bread for our last night then a quiet sit (gosh Euro 2016 was on) before bed.

On the way in to the house, during the day, we collected the mail from the post box. Hayley had a box to open. When she did so it it was a gift card for money off cigarettes AND a packet of 20 cigarettes. Can you imagine such a thing happening at ‘home’?

Despite having a great time here and enjoying the time with our son, daughter-in-law and grandchild, tomorrow we are definitely off - we have even booked the ferry - midday Tuesday.

Weather: Sun and heavy showers; 22 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Saturday 18th June (Day 11)

We had a slow start. A few (more) jobs around the house and a lovely sausage sarnie to start the day. Then it was a few more minutes playing with Chloé before at 11.00am we said our goodbyes. We were not only moving away from the family but also leaving the red kites, herons and hawks which filled the sky. We had selected a place in Germany to stay on the Rhine. We had a good drive (mainly motorway) with variable weather, i.e. sunshine, rain, sunshine and then more rain. After just short of four hours we parked up alongside the river at Breisach Am Rhine. A nice spot and a lovely town as well. We went for a stroll after a cup of tea and cinnamon bun. A walk up the hill to the cathedral (St Etienne) which was a good looking building from outside but rather drab inside. Then we had to shelter outside a Best Western Hotel from a cloud burst before walking back down into town and having a beer at a bar while watching the second half of a Euro match (N.I v Belgium) we left at 0-3. Back to the MH and then out for dinner at a local restaurant - only £20 for a real good meal. A stroll back and a video before bed. A good day.

Weather: Sunshine (mainly) and showers; 16 degrees

Stop: Breisach am Rhine (Bord Atlas) - €6

N 48 degrees 1’47”; E7 degrees 34’30”

Sunday 19th June (Day 12)

We had rain during the night - what a bloody change. The morning was dry though so couldn’t complain. After breakfast we moved off and had selected a spot in Luxembourg - about 4 - 5 hours away. All went swimmingly until the man road was closed. The Germans in their wisdom didn’t think that identifying a ‘deviation’ was worth while and, as all the town signs were yellow (like UK / French etc deviation signs) we were, well and truly stuffed. Several dead ends etc until we stopped for a fried egg and bacon roll to try and plan an escape. We thought we could be here for weeks. This allowed us to look at a map to find where we were and then programme the satnav to stop all the nonsense. The whole delay was about 40 minutes on our journey but we did drive through some great scenery and really quaint and picturesque villages while making our escape. Eventually we managed it and left Germany and entered Luxembourg and a great Bord Atlas / Aire. We parked up by the river and overlooking a yacht haven also. Having settled in we strolled around and had a beer before a meal at the MH. Apart from our stay in Switzerland every stop has been on a canal or river which, giving the fact that Chris loves water, it has been a bonus.

Weather: Changeable, rain and sunshine; 19 degrees

Stop: Schwelsingen Port, Luxembourg

N 49 degrees 30’41”; E 6 degrees 21’44”

Monday 20th June (Day 13)

We awoke to a mist over the river, but blue skies and sunshine, which soon burned the mist off. A good day was in the promise. After breakfast we sorted ourselves out and filled / emptied etc and by just after 9.00am we were off. Mainly motorway / dual carriageway to our next, and last stop, before home. On the way we decided to get our wine / meat shopping done today to take any pressure off tomorrow and the trip for the midday ferry. This proved to be a bit of a mission. Eventually we found a Carrefour Hyper and did all the shopping we wished to. We then sat in the MH and had lunch before the second half of the journey. As we ate it started to rain - making it that some precipitation had fallen every day we were away. We parked up for the night in Ypres by the river - so a happy wife. We then walked the short distance into town and purchased some onions that we needed for a curry. A pint in a bar and a catch up on the internet and then back to the MH for said curry. The plan was then to watch the football (England v Slovakia). However, things do not always work out as planned. On our walk back I noticed a ’No Motorhome’ sign along the road we were parked in. We had driven passed and not noticed it. The spot was where we had seen others park before. I saw two other motorhomes at the other end of the road, the other side of some poles blocking the full access. It turns out that the sign is relatively new. Thanks to all the inconsiderate motorhome owners who (a) park for days on end; (b) leave a mess; (c) park without consideration of others; and (d) well there probably is one. Due to the above the town have banned motorhomes from parking along the river. So we packed up and drove around to the other end of the road (Leopold III) where, at least for the moment, we appear to be able to stay (outside the sports centre). It will be interesting, in the busier periods, to see where the MH’s will park as there is considerably less room at this end. I fear the sports centre car park will be used and soon even this bit of road will be a ‘no go’ area. Anyway having settled in we tried to tune the TV to watch the football but in this position, despite now not being under any trees, we could not get a signal while at the previous stopping point we did albeit in Dutch or Flemish or something - oh well never mind. This meant a quiet evening which was finishing in glorious sunshine.

Weather: Sunny (very); then Rainy (very); 14 degrees

Stop: Ypres riverside - free

N 50 degrees 50’43”; E 2 degrees 53’38”

Tuesday 21st June (Day 14)

Adele start to the day. A good sleep, apart from the Belgium who decided that to put some bottled into the bottle bak and gone midnight was an imperative. Anyway by 9.00am we were off. First off a closed road with no deviation shown. Being in town presented no real problems though. A short 90 minutes drove in - well rain! we then sought a petrol station in Dunkirk before making our way to the Port. (There are reports of British vehicles being stoned in Calais by migrants - due (?)to the in / out vote, but who knows?) A good crossing followed by a great drive home - in sunshine!

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