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Trip 33 - Switzerland - Day 1 to 6

Wednesday 8th June (Day 1)

Well, off on trip 33. In the last six weeks we have had a few ‘issues’ with Billina; a puncture; a smashed casing to the wing mirror; an air bag explode like a bomb; a leak (I hope I have fixed it); and a mirror broken while the casing was being repaired (so now we have a ill fitting mirror gaffer taped to the van so I can drive it); then there was a new clutch; and, finally, a door catch broke. Surely things will change now?

Anyway after a good run to the channel tunnel we embarked at 12.20pm and by 2.00pm were on the road in La Francais. A really good four hour run was planned and so it proved to be (wait for it). Until we just stopped on the motorway (no tolls). The next 6km took around an hour. When we cleared the problem there was nothing to show for the stopped traffic. No bits of arm or leg in the road; no glass; no emergency services; not even a vehicle with a small dent. Most perplexing. Anyway this threw our plans awry, so Chris identified us stopover not too far away. Off we went and as we approached the site cars were flashing their lights at us; A sure sign of the dastardly gendarmes and, sure enough, as we entered the village there they were issuing tickets. God bless the French drivers. So by just before 7.30pm we were parked up by the side of the River Meuse in a lovely spot. A quick curry and then a stroll around the town, Bogny Sur Meuse. A wiggle this way and that way bought us to a cliff top path to ‘The four sons of Arymon’. Well we had to see didn’t we? On top of the hill, with great views, is a horse (it can fly) and the four sons around it. The potted story goes like this:

The four sons went to the king of France to be knighted and afterwards a row broke out and somebody died. The king was a bit piqued and decided to kill the new knights. Fortunately the magician liked them and flew them on his horse to Bogny. The king found them; they ran and hid. The king pardoned them and wanted to meet them. They arrived and found it was a trap and two were killed before the magician arrived this time with a magic sword, defeating the king and resurrecting the two dead sons. One son went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and on his return found his wife had died so he went to help build a cathedral. The other stone masons didn’t like him and threw him in the river with a stone around his neck. The fish and birds stopped him from drowning and he subsequently became Saint Reynaud. Personally I am not sure how much of this to believe.

Anyway we returned to the motorhome, stopping on the way down to allow a snake to cross our path. we then washed up the dinner things before a small glass of wine with the rays of the setting sun shining over the hills.

Weather; Sunny, 24 degrees

Stop: French Aire (free)

N49 51.430’; E004 44.472’

Thursday 9th June (Day 2)

A prompt start so by 8.30am we were on the road, after local croissants. A lovely start to our journey driving alongside the river for 30 miles or so until the inevitable dual carriage way / motorway which was a necessity to get to Nyon by Friday. Our target was to stop by a lake side spot just into Switzerland. We stopped a couple of times on the journey for a tea and then lunch and decided that, as the weather was so good, that to drive for so long was not a good idea. An alternative stop was selected. As we were almost at the alternative stop over the main road was closed, resulting us following a car transporter around narrow back roads on a six mile detour. The transporter at least ensured our passage was easy as, when similar sized vehicles came towards us, they slowed to a sensible speed. By 3.00pm we were parked up. The site we had stopped on was a commercial aire overlooking a canal. We walked into the town to a Super U for some ‘essentials’; 8 litres of wine and crab sticks! Upon our return we got the bikes off the MH and cycled 5+ miles to the next town along the river / canal. It was a very pleasant ride, almost flat with lovely views. However, upon getting to the next village we found we were on the wrong side of the river with quite a cycle to the next bridge so we turned back and stopped for a beer at the local bar - a ride of about 12 miles which for a first trip was enough for legs and bums! We sat in glorious sunshine sip[ping the beer and watching the boat people cleaning and caring for their dreams until hunger made us return for a meal. Afterwards which we sat out in the sunshine for an hour or more on the grass. Then back for a small libation before the inevitable bed.

Weather: Sunny and 20 degrees (a short sharp shower also).

Stop: French Commercial Aire (€9.70)

N 47 20.403’; E006 21.436’

Friday 10th June (Day 3)

After good nights sleep. (Why do we sleep better in the MH?) we had breakfast and sorted the water and waste out and by 9.00am were off to Prangins in Switzerland where our son, daughter-in-law and grandchild live. A very pleasant drive over the mountains. We met a polite, but assertive, customs man at the border who was adamant we had no vignette to travel in Switzerland and it took a bit of time to convince him we did not require one as we were too heavy.Eventually he agreed and off we travelled. The Swiss part of the drive was a bit more exacting with narrow twisty roads but again a very nice drive. Midday saw us parked up in a very tight spot in the road outside our son's, new to them, house. There then followed an afternoon of cleaning, sorting and tidying as they had only been in this place a few days. The six of us took part (Hayley’s mum and dad were also here). A BBQ and then an evening of putting Chloé’s toys together for her birthday followed (she is one tomorrow). We then, well after 11.30pm, all retired to our respective beds for tomorrows activities.

Weather: Sunny and 24 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Saturday 11th June (Day 4)

A noisy night with heavy rain and the odd train passing by. Morning arrived with the bedclothes damp as, despite the roof light only being open a little, it was enough for the rain to get through. Also the ‘repair’ I had done, which I hoped would stop our leak, had not worked. After Chloé opened some birthday presents at breakfast I had to cycle quickly to Ash’s old flat as a man was there to collect some furniture. Ash had flattened the car battery and the jump leads were not long enough. A five minute cycle and the job was done. Ash, Ron and Chris then joined me and we started attacking the flat. Ikea furniture needed to be dismantled and taken to the dump. Unfortunately it was raining quite hard so we got fairly wet. Also other bits of work was required before a deep clean of the apartment. Then back to the new house by 1.30pm and off to swimming. This was followed by a quick bit of shopping before returning to watch the Rugby; Australia v England. After all the slagging by the Aussie media England won. We then just sat around quite tired until bed.

Weather: Rain - Quite heavy and persistent; 20 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Sunday 12th June (Day 5)

A busy day (again) with an earlyish start. By 8.15am Ash and I were on our way to Divonne to the Carrefour to shop for Chloe´’s birthday party food. By 10.30am we were back and it was ‘all hands to the tiller’. To be fair those left behind had been setting the garden out for a one year olds birthday party; bouncy castle, sand pit, pool and water toys etc. Then it was food preparation. By just before midday the first guest arrived and by 1.00pm it was busy. Much playing, drinking, chatting, eating and ‘Happy Birthday-ing’ followed in warm, but overcast, weather. By just after 3.00pm it started to rain which, while not hard, was enough to encourage one or two to leave while the hardy ones sat under umbrellas. Then, all too soon, it was time to clear the garden. Chloé was a real angel and all present enjoyed themselves. Bath-time followed for the birthday girl while the rest of us sat and relaxed with a drink.

Weather: Overcast but warm with the odd shower; 20 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

Monday 13th June (Day 6)

After a good night sleep it was a prompt start as the cleaners were to be met at the apartments it had to be deep cleaned before handing it back in order to avoid charges Also there were a plethora of small jobs required e.g. light fixtures to be removed; some walls making good; candle wax to be removed off of a stone mantle peace to name just a few. During this we had a spinach, chorizo, and goats cheese quiche, made by Hayley, to ward off the hunger pangs - smashing. By 3.00pm we were back at the house but there is no peace for the wicked and off we go again with more jobs. A heavy mirror to be hung, a bed to be constructed etc etc. While this was being done Chloé had to have some injections, and then it was time to prepare and cook diner (lamb shanks). A day that was busy but satisfying as we all felt something worthwhile had been achieved.

Weather: Overcast and rain (quite a lot); 20 degrees

Stop: Chez Ashley, Prangins, Switzerland

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